Hey Rep. Bishop, western officials & businesses support protecting wild lands
"When Bishop took the opportunity to support Big Oil, he snubbed the other western elected officials and business owners that support the Wild Lands policy, including those from his own district and state. A letter thanking Secretary Salazar for the Wild Lands policy was signed by 67 elected officials from around the West. People in Colorado were so supportive of the policy that 73 elected officials signed their own letter, and seven businesses from Congressman Bishop’s own district asked him to stop his attack of the Wild Lands policy. That’s 147 businesses and elected officials from around the West that aren’t complaining. They’re saying thanks." Read more - The Wonk Room
Tar sands development in Utah not worth it
"All of this, then, to recover what nature didn’t finish cooking. Is it worth it? Not in my book. Let’s spend our energy development dollars on more promising technologies that leave wild country in peace." Op-ed - The Salt Lake Tribune
House Republicans will continue to try slashing environmental protections
"The legislation blocks a new Bureau of Land Management initiative to identify and protect pristine public lands in the West and withholds funding for a new Forest Service management plan that would restrict off-road vehicle use in national forests. It also removes Endangered Species Act protections for wolves in the northern Rockies and eliminates hundreds of millions of dollars from a federal land acquisition program." Read more - Los Angeles Times
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